Monday 16 November 2015

How to make night cream at home

Now a days every body want to fair skin in any condition . Specially woman have a huge craze for fir skin .But we all are know that we cannot change our natural skin color easily. Chemicals bleachs are gives us a desired results but they all are tempoprary . after few days or few months our  skin are come back in their natural color .

Today let us check an effectively night cream for fairness recipe that you can make hone easily .You need to try this cream regularly 15 days and see visible fairness result and the result are completely natural and inexpensive.

Thing you will need
1. 1/4 cups Almond

2.1/4 cup yougurt

3. 2 tbsp lime juice

4.A pinch of turmeric powder

5.1/2 spoon of sandelwood powder

6 A pinch of saffron strands

How to prepare:

Soak almond over night .In the morning peel of the skin and grind them make a smooth paste . and collect this paste in a bowl. After that put it in yougurt , sweet lime juice and turmeric powder sandelwood powder and saffron strands . Store this mixture in refrigerator immediately . This fairness cream can be used within a week. If dont refrigerated the make sure use within a hour after prepare.

How to use:
 Clean and path dry face at night before going to bed . you can use mild face cleaner with this . After cleanse take small amount of this natural fairness cream and smooth over your face. massage gentekly until its comp[eletly absorbed go to sleep . Wash off faacae with clean water in the morning to see the natural glow . continue this [procedure for 2 weeks for the natrural fairbees reault .This also helps in remocving blemishes acne spots dark circles from face  

Use this cream in your face regularly and let us know the better results and please dont forget to share your lovely experience

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